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Gruppe Analyse
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Anbieter Google LLC
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Zweck Tracking
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Technischer Name __hssc,hubspotutk,__hstc,__cf_bm,__hssrc
Anbieter Hubspot
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Zweck Marketing, Statistiken, Analyse, Optimierung
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Technischer Name YSC,
Anbieter Google LLC
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Zweck Youtube-Player Funktion
Institute for Digital Transformation & Innovation - Aufgaben Kopfbild

Key Areas

IDTI's comprehensive expertise extends to other crucial aspects, serving as prerequisites for successful digitalization and innovation processes. It supports every stage by guiding projects, hosting informational events, workshops, research, and offering guidelines.

Digitalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

The BSP Business & Law School, through the Institute for Digital Transformation and Innovation, leads the third-party funded project Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Zukunftskultur. This centre is part of the nationwide network initiative that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), paving the way for digitalization. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), it encompasses 29 centres around Germany that help businesses in different areas become aware of new technologies centred on assisting the human factor behind any change. The centres offer proven concepts and innovative formats that facilitate the transfer of knowledge between academic research  and businesses.

Game-changer Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence comprises advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques that empower businesses to automate processes, extract insights from data, and elevate decision-making capabilities, among various other benefits. IDTI offers comprehensive AI training for businesses, providing expert guidance to companies and SMEs aiming to seamlessly integrate AI into their daily operations and services. This ensures efficiency and innovation within the market. Our Institute curates and presents the podcast series 'Kreativitat & KI,' featuring special guests and members of the BSP Team. Each episode delves into trending topics related to AI that extend beyond the creative industry.

Immersive technologies & Metaverse in business-processes

The Metaverse has been presented as a comprehensively interconnected digital space, often experienced through devices. Immersive technologies, including Virtual Reality and Generative AI, play a pivotal role and will become even more significant in the forthcoming years. For IDTI, it has become evident that the Metaverse represents much more than just a digital entertainment or consumption platform. In fact, it holds the potential to fundamentally change business models, working methods, and consumer decisions.Enthusiasts of the Metaverse believe that the 3D digital world will transform the experiences of consumers, clients, and business leaders in the future, particularly in relation to web3.0. IDTI, through the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Zukunftskultur, is currently engaged in a think tank with the motto 'Creating Value on the Way to the Metaverse.' This think tank addresses the question of how immersive technologies can improve productivity while aligning with ethical criteria. During the kick-off, experts from various industries discussed the potential and hurdles, as well as ethical considerations related to digital developments such as AI and the Metaverse

Ethics in Digital Transformation

Ethics in Digital Transformation revolves around discussing values and principles that require attention in the digital era. In the business context, it serves as a guide for considering and respecting these values while implementing technological innovation into business activities. This key area covers topics such as data privacy and cybersecurity. The conversation around digital ethics has gained increased importance with the rise of Artificial Intelligence.

Transfer Knowledge into Business

The mission of IDTI is to adopt effective transfer strategies, establishing a connection between academic knowledge and current business needs. Supporting the integration of technology into the economy and society involves educating users about the application, potentials, and challenges of digital transformation through knowledge transfer and practical examples, as well as providing guidance. Establishing a clear system for communication and collaboration is crucial for translating complex topics into a common language within the business context.

Change Management in digitalization

Change Management is a method that empowers companies to plan and implement changes within their organisation. The method pursues supporting employees from the phase of resistance into being ready for innovations. In the digitalization process, Change Management will add competencies that unfold innovative potential. IDTI offers opportunities for networking with researchers and partners who wish to build and enhance adaptability with us. Additionally, our institute provides concrete services to support companies in their change process. Master's students in business psychology and experts from BSP assist companies in analysing the initial situation in change projects (e.g., cultural analysis), concept development (e.g., competency development modules, training, guidelines), or process support (e.g., coaching)

Platform Economy - Business Models and Society

Platform Economy is the application-oriented and interdisciplinary examination of platform-based business models and their disruptive consequences for society and the economy. This focus area involves taking various perspectives on the platform economy to generate insights that are pragmatically implementable. Additionally, it combines established forms of knowledge transfer with innovative formats of knowledge communication.

Digital Competence for International Trade

How to combine digitization and globalisation in the business world? How can small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) drive innovations while also finding markets abroad? Addressing these questions is of central importance in the research and transfer activities of the Institute for Digital Transformation and Innovation. International business relationships can open up market perspectives and create new customer potentials. Competitive innovations, openness to change, and digital competencies play a central role in this context

Legal Tech and the Future of Digitalization

Digitalization is leading an unprecedented transformation in the field of legal practice. The need for speed and the aim to simplify the legal process create a welcoming environment for digital innovation. This shift significantly impacts the activities and workflows of legal professionals. Pertinent questions in this dynamic landscape extend to areas such as compliance with the Legal Services Act and adherence to legal professional regulations. This evolving realm, often encapsulated under the term Legal Tech, encompasses various innovative topics, including but not limited to automated document review, AI-assisted legal research, and online dispute resolution platforms

New Work

Workplaces of tomorrow are no longer just a vision for the future. The concept of New Work describes the dynamics of the professional world in the digital age. It highlights flexibility, autonomy, tasks driven by purpose, and the synergy between technology and human collaboration. It disrupts conventional work structures, fostering a work environment that is more inclusive, adaptive, and forward-looking. With this approach, skilled professionals can be attracted and retained. Digitalization presents challenges and opportunities for a modern working environment.

Leadership in digital transformation

The focus of leadership here is on key aspects of business innovation, networked management, digital transformation of the media, and customer behaviour in the digital age. In this context, it implies the important and active role that leadership must play during the digital transformation process. Leadership is the driver for an integrated business approach that combines the "soft factors" of digitalization with the technology level in the sense of structured change management.

Digital Education

The digital education of the future is more than technology. It requires an expert-assisted change and transfer process for all educational actors (teachers, learners, providers of educational institutions and universities). That's why at the institute we reflect, research and transfer methods of teaching digital and analog creative skills (Human-centered digitalization). The focus is on the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) as an opportunity and a risk. Ethical and social aspects are of great importance. We therefore primarily address non-technical aspects of AI and the tension of the innovation contradiction: trust (AI as my tool) and reservations (AI as external control). We would like to address this contradiction.